What about Tomorrow – The Next Steps for Supported Employment
The 14th Conference of the European Union of Supported Employment (EUSE), was successfully carried out on June 20-22 in 2022 at the Oslo Congress Centre Folkets Hus, Oslo, Norway.
The Norwegian Association for Supported Employment (SENO) hosted the conference, in partnership with the Norwegian Directorate for Work and Welfare, Oslo City Council and Oslo Metropolitan University. The European Union of Supported Employment (EUSE) supported the conference. Around 500 experts and professionals engaged in work inclusion, from a range of European and International countries, attended the event.
The Conference main theme - What About Tomorrow – aimed to promote future strategies to develop sustainable employment and work inclusion for disabled people and people in disadvantaged situations.
The Conference Workshop Themes were:
- Policy making for active citizenships
- Supported Employment in a digital world
- Career development
- Job development
The event was highlighted by a number of interesting keynotes and a variety of workshops addressing the main themes and the future for Supported Employment for all stakeholders. Participants could enjoy Oslo at its best, with beautiful and sunny weather and a bustling city life with Oslo citizens, tourists, restaurants and bars. Oslo City opened up the City Hall for a wonderful reception and we learned about Oslo’s inclusive strategies through workshops at the Deichman Main Library, the City Hall and the National Opera House. Pellegrino Riccardi www.pellegrino-riccardi.com moderated the Conference brilliantly and Numa Edema https://scandinaviansoul.com/artists/numa-edema/ gave a musical happening and brought people out on the dance floor at the Conference Dinner.
Thanks to partners, sponsors and conference committee for contributing to a memorable SE event in 2022!
In June of 2024, new and former conference participants have the opportunity to meet at yet another EUSE Conference, in Tarragona, Spain. Join “We Have the Talent” www.wehavethetalent.eu and support the development of Supported Employment at home and abroad!
Grete Wangen
Chair of the EUSE2022 Conference